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Schwarzenbach dam, Iffezheim barrage & polder info trail

Culture & Tradition District of Rastatt

as in winter. Numerous information boards along the shore path provide information about technical data and the history of the construction. Furthermore, one of the most beautiful glacial cirque lakes, Herrenwieser See, is located around three kilometres above the dam.

Further information on the Schwarzenbach dam.

The Iffezheim barrage is a joint European project with a lock, power station and weir, which is passed by around 45,000 ships every year. The additional fish ladder, the largest fish pass in Europe, is also an important ecological project. The 300 metre long concrete channel is a white-water stream that provides a stable habitat for large migratory fish, enabling them to return to their traditional spawning grounds in the Rhine.

Further information on the Iffezheim barrage:

The Söllingen/Greffern polder with its polder info trail is also worth a visit. This trail consists of two circular paths, each around 6 kilometres long, which can be explored on foot or by bike. Information boards provide information on flood protection and the Söllingen/Greffern polder, among other things.

Further information on the polder info trail:

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